10 Of The Best WooCommerce Blogs To Follow In 2018

What are the best blogs to learn about WooCommerce? There’s an old question about it on Quora, and there are a few scattered posts and lists around the web.

I decided to do my own reading, as a part of my own education, and sort out the good stuff. Some blogs are outdated, derelict, or even gone completely.

Here are some of the best that are active.

1. The Official WooCommerce Blog

If you’re working with WooCommerce, you’re definitely going to want to at least check in on the official WooCommerce Blog.

2. Business Bloomer

Business Bloomer is run by Rodolfo Melogli, and his site is very, very comprehensive. There are video lessons, tutorials and resources. He recently did an AMA which went on for several days. He also has a podcast on YouTube.

3. Yith Blog

Yith makes high quality free wordpress themes and plugins for WooCommerce. They have a WooCommerce Guide category that’s particularly useful.

4. Elegant Themes blog

With a name like Elegant Themes, you better have an elegant theme. Well, they do! I particularly like their Customer Spotlight and Resources categories.

5. Premmerce Blog

I like that the Premmerce Blog does weekly roundups, with updates about news.

6. Pootlepress blog

One of the interesting things about the Pootlepress Blog – they offer a £95 (about US$130) 1-day WordPress crash course, with lots of good reviews. There’s also a 100 WooCommerce Tips and Tricks page.

7. Remi Corson Woocommerce Blog

Remi Corson’s WooCommerce blog has a great theme, nice visuals.

8. CommerceGurus blog

CommerceGurus have straightforward tutorial posts, such as guides on how to send abandoned cart emails. I particularly liked “Life as a WordPress and WooCommerce themer” – slides from a talk at a meetup.

9. WPBeginner

One of those “what it says on the can” names – WPBeginner is a starting point for newbies looking for simple, clear introductions.

10. ThemeLocation Blog

ThemeLocation’s blogposts have a very useful “how to X” format. Scan through their archives and you’ll likely fine something that you don’t know how to do, and learn something in the process.

That’s it for now!

There’s a lot of reading to do if you want to really get immersed in WooCommerce and understand how it works.

The best way to do this is not to just read everything (you’ll be overwhelmed), but to set up your own test store (it’s free!) and experiment as you go, leaning on the readings to contextualize things for you.